Diary of a Cakemaker #21

Diary of a Cakemaker #21

27th Sep 2023

It’s been one of those weeks where nothing particularly eventful has happened but there has still been a lot going on. There’s ALWAYS a lot going on, so I did try to take my foot off the gas a little— more about that later.

We started off the week with our usual level of ‘hectic’ — some corporate orders and getting ready for next Monday when we have a few large orders due. So, prepping, prepping and a bit more prepping!

We had three weddings on Saturday — three! We usually stick to a maximum of two a day and try to spread them out over the weekend, but this week we had 3.

Three cakes to deliver meant an early start, two were in the city and the third was in Ellon. When I got back from delivering and setting up, it had been a round trip of 3 hours and 59 minutes! Phew! 

I got home tired and hungry (never a good combo!) so after eating I sat down with the family to watch some TV … I managed 20 minutes of Strictly before I was done! I had to go to bed — at 6.50pm on a Saturday night!

Up and at it early again on Sunday, my husband was working at our church, so we were out of the house pretty early. I went for breakfast with my little girl and it was nice to hang out together. We went to Dough & Co — a new doughnut shop in Aberdeen — they have delicious freshly handmade doughnuts, with some pretty wild flavour choices, like a sausage and cheese breakfast doughnut!

Afterwards my daughter had her table tennis session, and I took a walk around the city, which I love to do.

When I got up that morning, I had put on my running gear and then immediately changed my mind and went back to bed for a while! I then planned to run after church instead, that didn’t happen either!!

I thought to myself, you know what, this weekend can be exercise free, I just want to chill! Not really like me, but it was definitely needed. I was probably preparing myself as I know that the next few weeks are going to be SUPER SUPER busy.

Lewis – cake stylist here at O’Caykx – is on holiday, taking himself off to sunny San Francisco for 2 weeks. 2 weeks! Why would he want to take two whole weeks away from work? I mean, who does that? 

Lewis’ holiday just so happens to coincide with the weekend before our large delivery due at 7.30am next Monday morning, so we will be working Saturday and Sunday getting it ready. Throw in the usual orders and a teambuilding workshop at the Cakery, it’s going to get crazy!

Still, I prefer crazy to quiet … so bring it on!